Corporate Social Responsibility

It is our firm belief that the mission of every company is to find the balance between performing at the highest achievable level financially (to satisfy the interests of shareholders), while not neglecting the social role of any enterprise and its responsibilities towards the community at large (to safeguard the interests of stakeholders).

Our commitment to society takes many forms:

Towards our employees

We strive to create an environment that is a pleasure to work in, where our employees are being treated with respect and dignity, where individual needs are taken into consideration wherever possible, where work is being rewarded with above-market salaries, and last but not least, where we love to see our people move forward and progress both as individuals as well as professionals.

Towards the environment

We are aware that any business activity is one way or another impacting our physical environment and is putting a strain on scarce natural resources, hence we do our outmost to reduce the footprint of our operations.

  • We are gradually replacing all energy consuming lighting with more efficient LED light

  • We are in the process of introducing recycling of ALL waste across our premises

  • We are currently evaluating the possibility to convert the terrace in our main premises into a bioclimatic installation, and introduce solar panels to supplement our conventional energy sources.

Towards the Community

Despite the economic adversity of recent years which has taken a toll on non-core activities of firms across the board, we pride ourselves of having weathered the crisis exceptionally well, which now allows us to roll out a plan to engage in various projects and activities geared towards benefitting the community. Our first steps include supporting institutionalised charity, as well as sponsor the arts and sports at the community level.